Standing Committee Job Descriptions


  • Chairs the Annual Conference
  • Speaker at IACEA functions and events

Vice President

  • Establishes initial contact with potential member countries
  • Responsible for the European Assembly Point (if from a European Country)

Past President

  • Advice and support to the President and Vice President
  • Chairman of the Nominating Committee
  • Chairman of the IACEA Foundation Board of Directors

Secretary General

  • Day-to-day running of Association business
  • Produces the Annual Conference Agenda and Record of Decisions
  • Initial Point of Contact for all member countries in case of problems etc
  • Updates, publishes and distributes the Handbook, MOU and other IACE documents
  • Administers the IACEA Fund.
  • Holds stock of IACEA Gifts (plaques, pens, pins, badges, certificates, Medal of Honour etc)
  • Responsible for the Website Home Page
  • In consultation with the President and Vice President sends out a Newsletter when required